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Is Digital Communication Always Preferred?

Is Digital Communication Always Preferred?


As countries all over the globe go through the lockdown experience, keeping up communication with the outside world is becoming more important than ever!

Today, people naturally resort to using digital communication, but we look into the advantages of opting for tangible, paper-based communication in these difficult times....


In recent years, the steady growth of digital technology has meant that many organisations such as banks, utilities and governments are now beginning to switch from traditional to paperless options for their communication, opting to keep everything online.

But is this what people actually want?

“60% of EU citizens wouldn’t choose a company which does not offer paper bills” TWO SIDES

In many cases, it’s not, and it debatable whether it’s fair for these persons to be charged more simply for wishing to receive their communications in their preferred form.

As members of the Two Sides organisation, promoting the effectiveness, attractiveness and sustainability of paper and print as a communication medium, we strive to ensure that, despite today's digitally dominated world, the unique qualities that these offer can be enjoyed for generations to come. Here we share some fascinating Two Sides facts:

61% find it easier to track their expenses and manage their finances when printed on paper
84% of people say they retain information better when reading in print


Whilst both the value and convenience of going digital is evident, is this actually the preferred means of communication?

As the above statistics show, the majority of people would still opt for printed communication, due to its being easier to digest and retain, making tasks such as tracking and money management more straightforward. Almost all of the older generation would be included in the preference, and often some of the most vulnerable members of society depend on this traditional paper based form and will therefore be completely cut off from any form of communication by the companies only offering online service.

Really, citizens should have a right to receive information in any way they want, depending on what suits them and without any extra complications or charge. 

“89% of consumers believe that they should have the right to choose how they receive communications (printed or electronically), at no extra charge, from financial organisations and service providers.” TWO SIDES


In reality, we live in a world where we are becoming increasingly dependent on technology, and this provides a great opportunity to combine the two, using a mixture of both electronic and paper based communication to give consumers the best possible experience.

Whilst online methods can be cheap and efficient, what is paper based offers a sense of personalisation and value to consumers, creating lasting experiences of your brand that are enabling people to better understand the message you are conveying. Not only are the two proven to complement eachother in a very cost-effective and powerful way, but by offering both, you will be recognising and allowing for the different preferences of every different segment.

Just remember: whatever your organisation choose to do, paper based communication should be at the forefront of any digital planning, as the preferred means of communication of many.

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